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Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 17 juli 2011 21:56

Today Start was the only one in line for a workout, Festivo, Donoso, Halagador had a party in walker that young Mr Molinete started, Moli is up!
Moli and the PRE gang

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 15 juli 2011 09:09

I promised to write some general informational about this event and here it is.

Both PRE stallions and mares are graded. First grading is APTO which is a basic approval, no test is required only a general study by official veterinarian confirming that mare/stallions is compatible by blood with its parents (is registered and has a passport). To get your stud stallion graded and approved for breeding with any kind of artificial insemination, the Tribune of Qualified Reproductors (TRC) need to pass the horse. The test is over one day and described below. Theoretically Elite grading also exists but so far there are no tests elaborated for this level, hence no PRE stallions are graded Elite, as far as I know.

Requirements for application to grading;
If your stallion is 4 years or older and your mare 3 years or older you can apply for TRC. The stallions has to be over 155 cm and the mares over 153 cm. You have to submit the following certifications from the University of Cordoba including;
1. Xrays that confirms the horse is free from OCD - Osteochondrosis,

2. Vet cert measuring quality of semen,
3. Vet cert excluding defects which inhibits reproduction

On arrival to grading the horse's angels are measured carefully as they have to be well within the racestandards.
(Donoso was very cooperative and thought everything .. needed to be measured..)
The first test is the morfology that is very much like the presentation by hand in championships only longer and more strict and the evaluation lasts 15 min. Three judges mark the horse that has to reach a score of 85 or more. If you compare these scores to results in championships it is a very high score. Also a horse with one note of 'very bad' or two notes of 'bad' are disqualified even if total score is 85 or more.
Donoso VII
No matter what scores the stallions get in the ridden test, he cannot pass and get tthe itle Reproductor Calificado if he does not get sufficient scores in the morfology. The first part of the grading is where most horses fail. Ridden test is performed. For mares the ridden test is optional.
Donoso VII
Festivo MR 
In the ridden test the judge looks at the quality of movements in all gaits, rideability and general impression of the horse under saddle. The judge ask the rider to do different excercises, which he finds necessary, varies from one horse to another. To pass you need a score of 24 (out of 40) or more which is also a high score in morfo-functional shows.

Feel free to ask if there is anything else you would like to know, now I have some more riding to do, have a great weekend!
/Proud owner, happy rider!

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 13 juli 2011 18:40

Festivo MR, our big baby has joined Donoso VII and the gang of Spanish Kings - today he is our Big King!

We landed hard on couch with wine and swedish sweets, went up at 4 am today but who cares - Yeguada VIKINGA PRE now has two TRC stallions - how cool isn't this!? H A P  P I N E S S!!!
He had a big audience and a TV reporter team behind him all day, you can see it this evening if you have Channel 1 Televisión Española!
Festivo MR - Reproductor Calificado 2011
Judges; Juan Manuel Carnero Sánchez, Javier Bayo Sánchez, Ignacio Bravo Garcia
Jorge Conde Lázaro, judge ridden test

All photos by Javier Villard

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 12 juli 2011 22:58

This is very likely the most happy day in my life, Donoso VII got his qualified recognition as a stud stallion, he passed the TRC today, Donut is king!!!!
I am so proud of my beautiful horse that took our breath away today when he showed us what a regal kingly horse should look like, he took the longrun flying in one impressive go and everyone went quiet... Then he did his showy jums in perfect balance and we could hear the spanish men murmurring; Muy macho... But it aint over until it's over and a ridden test had to be passed also.
Donoso VII in ridden test
Donoso VII & handler - thank you Tony!
Warming up had to be done walking on asfalt in parking lot..
As Donoso's ridden test was 15 min after morfology I did not know if he was APTO (had passed) or not. We had to wait and wait and when I was finally called in by office to get the protocol they told me he had passed. I had to sign the documents but at this point I couldn't see any papers because my eyes were all filled up with happy-tears, this was really a beautiful dream come true for me!
And now when VIKINGA PRE has passed Nr 1 stud stallion I can continue Donoso's breeding career in my beloved homecountry, and not only in Sweden but all over the world!
I can't describe how good it feels to get the recognition by the spanish experts of the horse you believe in so much.
And tomorrow it is Festivo MR's turn..
Love this horse!

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 6 juli 2011 23:16

In 1500 km you get to see quite a few horses, some better quality than others, some more suitable than others and some more inspiring than others. Finding a horse for a olympic client like Leslie is aiming for the stars but we like the challenge and we would never grow tired viewing top quality horses!
Leslie, Anna and me viewing a fantastic PRE
This one!

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 4 juli 2011 23:13

Today all 5 boys are worked out and happy, started at 14.00 and did not stop until 20.15 - a great working day for all of us!
Here some pictures of me and beautiful Donoso training last week when Valerie was here.
Donoso VII

And a nice one from Valerie of Start!
Donut LOVES his grooming! And you see in the end I can't let someone else do the job because it just isn't the same, I really prefer to do it myself because when I groom I feel them in and plan the daily work.
And Festivo MR in his suite

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 2 juli 2011 15:05

I have a list.
1. I have won the case in court against a dishonest friend. It has been one year of a totally unnecessary and painful event and now I am very relieved and happy that justice has been made. All my deepest gratitude to my true friend and excellent lawyer Eva-Lisa Myntti, thank you for all your support through this situation, you have been fantastic!

2. Candy has finally got all her results through to be able to make the intelligent descition to buy the horse of her dreams. It is a horse I consider being one of the most talented iberian Grand Prix dressage horses and we are very happy that Candice will be the one that competes him under the guidance of Bill, the trainer of alias Mini-Totilas.
3. Olympic rider Leslie Reid has new candidates. 1,5 year ago we found her a PRE that is her upcoming star, now doing 3rd level in Canada. Now she came back for more and for two days we did a 1500km of serious horse viewing and there are       stars for her, our Festivo MR is one of them.. To be continued!
Yes, it is certainly time to celebrate  All is positive!   

Candice's classy Grand Prix horse Ravel, smile Candy, smile!


Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 29 juni 2011 20:04

Yes, connecting with people is half the fun, I have had so many meetings of wonderful people through this big horse passion! And when a collaboration develops and both parties share the fun and enjoy within a economical balance, then that's really the one recipie for a sucessful partnership! This week we had a visit from Molinete's sponsors that came to admire him for the first time under saddle and working out. They loved him, share the faith we have in him and looked very satisfied with our new project! Molinete is growing in all angles, he's a tall and classy guy and now setting muscles and his bodystructure and movements are transforming, it will be interesting to see his development, keep your eyes open! The breaking in of young horses is a job I very much like, especially the preparation groundwork, but the last one was a while ago now, 2004 to be exact so I decided to let the guys do the first month. They do a great uncomplicated job as this is something they do on a daily basis, but now two weeks has passed and I can't wait!
Here we are observing Molinete being ridden with good balance and nice form in roundpen.
Here Molinete has been ridden for two weeks, healthy outline don't you think?



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