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Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 10 april 2012 09:53

Buenos dias, we have been in Toledo this weekend to view this magnificent horse among others. Guardadamas was our main focus of interest as he is the selected horse for our client. He did outstanding performances in this international competition. He was second among 17 in the olympic qualifying Grand Prix test on the friday, just behind swedish Minna Telde. On the sunday he did a beautiful GP Freestyle 71,6% and came second again after Minna and Santana with 71,7%. Guardadamas was simply outstanding. His piaffe and passage has a extraordinary quality, trotwork was excellent and all transitions are so refined it is a pure pleasure to see, he transmits total harmony, ease and art. After the performance on the sunday we did the 4,5 hour long vetcheck for our client. He passed also this test with flying colours. He is the sweetest horse, an absolute gentleman that you can not help fall in love with. This is the type of PRE we want to promote internationally, he represents the PRE race with grace. So we are very excited and so is our friend, in two or so weeks we will know if this horse will also fit HER personally.

Guardadamas with his excellent rider Jose Antonio Garcia Mena


Photos all rights reserved 

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 5 april 2012 15:43

Finally raining here! So yesterday boys had a playday with wet lush grass for dessert, much appreciated! Now I have issued all licenses for all of us. Donoso and Start are swedish citizens i.e they have their lifelong licenses as they have competed in Sweden. Start also has his international FEI passport. Now I have also issued their spanish licenses + the swedish and spanish competition licenses for myself. After paying respective fees I was told I needed a certificate to validate what they here call Galopes. So same day Mats Eriksson, Head at Sports Department Swedish Equestrian Federation, very kindly sent me the certificate authorizing me competing at level Prix St George/ Int. I. Same day I called the spanish department to check all was now ok as I had a competition I had already signed up for this coming weekend. They had recieved they document but said it was in Swedish.. WELL..


I kindly pointed out it should be in english as I had also recieved a copy. Then they said it did not state event (I had issued all licenses for dressage) and that it should not refer to their validation system of Galopes. I was also told that the validation would not be THAT fast to make it possible for me to compete this weekend. To be continued..

This weekend we are going to vet a very famous horse that is doing the qualifying test for the olympic games! SOMEONE is very excited because if all goes well this horse might be hers..

Go and gave a FUN EASTER everyone!   

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 1 april 2012 20:28

Idag blir det på svenska kära svenska medborgare! Jag har klafsat runt i mina röda svenska trätofflor, lyssnat på ABBA och Lisa Ekdahl på högsta volym. Lite Il Divo, Whitney H, Ben Harper och annat smått och gott har också skvalat ut. När jag bodde i Belize och jobbade som lärare fick jag smeknamnet 'Decibella' av ungarnas föräldrar. Mina grannar jag intyga att jag lever upp till det namnet. Men de är i sin tur högljudda spanjorer med ouppfostrade ungar som gormar så no mercy, här är det alltså livat på alla håll.

Det går bra nu! Jag har slitit med ganska mycket på senaste men inget ont som inte har ngt gott med sig så idag började dagen med en massage av Mer's magiska händer, så bra så bra. Sedan inhandlades blommor till vårträdgården och det blev så fint så fint. Sedan lite lukning, UT med allt ogräs, rensa rensa. Jag stack mig rejält på enorma aloen, eller vad det är, aj. Under tiden lagades en delikat lammstek i underbaraste ugnen - så lätt det ÄR att laga mat, jag är förvånad, verkligen! Sedan skulle polen 'kläs' av.. Mattan är stor. Jag vek och vek. Jag halkade på polreningsverket och stupade oattraktivt med näsan rätt i gräset. TUR att jag missade polen för den är inte så varm just nu. Faktum är att det är den aldrig. Världens mest outnyttjade pool. Hade jag älskat vatten hade jag skaffat en solfångare till den. Sedan slog jag huvudet i kökshyllan så porslinet gjorde en saltomotal när jag tog ut steken, arnica arnica. Jag är en okoordinerad klant så är det bara, har nog inte levt en enda dag utan ett fräscht blåmärke. Men det är bara att resa sig igen, upp och hoppa. Sedan skulle gräset vattnas och alltid är det någon sprinkler som INTE vill samarbeta, v a r f ö r. Så det är obligatorisk slang vattning av de uteblivna stråna annars fräser de sönder i solen. Det regnar I N T E. Mina cirtusträd ser inte så glada ut. Rätt torra och livlösa och jag har nu brutit av grenarna halvvägs för att se om ngt händer. Alla andra träd blommar ju, snyft. Jag ger dem en stund till att komma igen. Vattna vattna. Lammet blev utsökt, en jordgubbsvaniljmilkshake till efterrätt och så en liten solning på det, fast bara lite, jag tycker det är rätt tråkigt att sola, är ju cremella med rosa hud så det går sådär. Men så klart bra för fibrokroppen att vila lite. Igår kom nya soffan, s n y g g och perfekt passad. Jag uppmärksammade att mina fina indien kuddar har tofsar, så då är jag ju M Montazami inne och allt. Så nu njuter jag av utsikten över bergen från den. 

Inga hästar idag. Jorge (groom) ringde och frågade om de skulle ha alt 1. Täcke av och fönster stängda eller 2. Täcke på fönster öppna. Lite vind och drag vill vi inte mina fina killar ha så det fick bli nr 2.

Igår var jag på internationella dressyrtävlingar i Toledo, såg en häst jag tyckte om, en oldenburgare faktiskt, väldigt pingig i sin gång, upplyftande. Pratade med Juan Matute, han var sur på en hästägare som inte hållit sitt ord vid en affär, shit happens, men så klart oacceptabelt. Sedan sålde jag en av min mors blivande valpar till spanska förbundskaptenen Bobby F. de Bobadilla då hon blev kär i Betty. 

Jag har ju då varit på äventyr och köpt ett nytt sto. Jodå, det var absolut nödvändigt. Min starka drift att utöka hästfamiljen går i n t e att stoppa, det fick bli snabbtåg, 300 km i timmen kändes som en bra idé, inte en sekund att förlora. Det tog två dagars förhandling som avslut men det var det värt, minst sagt. Så när underbaraste drottningen Picara är hämtad kommer stoflocken vara fulländad. Det tog 1,5 år att få ihop avelsplanen, lång tid för mig som alltid helst vill ha allt fixat igår. Avelsarbete tar tid och förbrukar tålamod men det är ju så roligt, intressant och lärorikt så det är det absolut värt! 

I morgon är det måndag igen, önskar en underbar vårvecka, njut! 

Nya kärleken 'Pica'


Pappsen Revoltoso XXIX som hon är en feminin kopia av


Mammsen är alltså helsyrra till det här vidundret, som även har samma mamma som Laia. Även Novedosa är en Revol dotter så Donoso's blivande fruar är en ren släktträff, jag hoppas syskonen faller honom i smaken, gud nåde honom om inte för då får det bli kamikaze för min del!


Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 30 mars 2012 11:11

I am back! It has been a intense week but through intensity good things are born, I am flying high and can't tell you how happy I am to be able to present you this new horse-family member - PICARA PM!

We saw this girl a few months ago and it was surely love at first sight, by now I know when I look at a potential Vikinga-girl, they go straight in and moves every cell in my being. This time I could hardly breathe because this lady was not for sale, s h i t. But AM I GLAD TO TELL YOU nothing is impossible, when you know what you want you WILL get it it, you only need to follow the flow, feel good and be focused, never hold back just follow your dreams and go for it!!! 

Picara is a absolutely breathtakingly beautiful green eyed cremella. If Laia and Nova are Donoso's princesas, 'Pica' will be his reina. Her mother Distinguida XXVII is a daughter of my Laia PM's mum Laia and they have same dad Revoltoso XXIX. And.... she is 1 month pregnant to...............the most exciting champange PRE in Spain.......... and I can hardly brace myself to tell you about him but that have to wait alittle! All I can say is that he moves like a GOD and that he shines like GOLD!

Picara PM



Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 23 mars 2012 20:02

I have been productive these last days, must be because it is lovely spring in the air!? Some help perhaps also from the DNA nutrition also, great!

It started with THE DENTIST and did no less than 4 fillings.. She anethesized my left side of face to 100% lameness and I could hardly blink with my left eye. But it worked because I did NOT feel anything! A italian client called in the afternoon but it was still impossible to talk so I excused myself the best I could. At 21.00 hours I felt alittle more normal. 

This is what was going on outside the clinic whilst I was waiting for my drillings...  ......... ............


After drillings success I was told my now my favourite dentist to take it EASY so I decided riding was not for today. Instead I went to see the three most beautiful PRE ladies in the world and gave them a loving brushing and deworming/ vaccination. Then I thought yoga must be a good idea to eliminate all this anastetics? Yoga teacher agreed, she is a sharp-eyed lady that is a master of seeing where you are in pain and knowing what you need, so much bodily-empathy, a little star! 

Next day some gardeing... I don't think I will ever be a green-fingered one, but I DID take care of this tree, poor lemontree has suffered the cold winter, he did have a blanket but I forgot the trunk.. So now I have bought a paste that will prevent bugs to get into it, I hope I can save him, it does not look so good..


Then the car needed a springclean, not my department.. So he was handed over to the ones that clean sales cars, looks like new, quite handsome actually!

This is Start after-work today, my new tactic to avoid any kind of paddock twists is to first let him do 20 min of walker, then a work-out and THEN the freedom. By the time he gets to paddock he is too tired to do any acrobatics and only rolls.


Every rider takes their dog along for the walk right?
Betty Boop 


Then I have spent all evening on email and talking to Swedish Equestrian Federation as I am wanting to sign up for a competition here with Donoso and Start. As it is international and I am swedish I need to compete for Sweden, something I happily do but there are some byrocracy around this. Will let you know if/how I manage, its a little short notice (enty expires this sunday...) 


Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 21 mars 2012 16:25

Whilst the water is coming out of the heaven (good, very good) and nourishes the earth I decided to inspire myself and create positive expectations. So today I have done things that makes me feel good, I played my favourite songs, listened to some inspirational lectures, talked to friends, decorated house, baked swedish buns and kept warm.

I believe that the most beautiful thing in life is when we connect to what is true to ourselves. And that is all what makes us feel good. 

Some of my sources of inspirations;
My beautiful horses 






'It happend just a few years ago to two young children in Illinois. The eight-year-old daughter became ill and was diagnosed with a life-threatening blood disease. A search went out to find a donor of blood compatible with her own. As she weakened, they looked and no donor could be found. Then it was discovered that her six-year-old brother shared her rare blood type. The mother and their minister and doctor sat down with the boy to ask if he would be willing to donate his blood to save the life of his sister. 

Much to their surprise he did not answer right away. He wanted some time to think about it. Six year olds can be quite thoughtful at times. After a few days he went to his mother and said, 'Yes, i'll do it'. 

The following day the doctor brought both children to his clinic and placed them on cots next to each other. He wanted them to see how one was helping the other. First he drew a half pint of blood from the young boy's arm. Then he moved it over to his sister's cot and inserted the needle so her brother could see the effect. In a few minutes color began to pour back into her cheeks. 

Then the boy motioned for the doctor to come over. He wanted to ask a question, very quietly quietly. 

'Will I start to die right away?' He asked. 

You see, when he had been asked to donate his blood to save the life of his sister, his six-year-old mind understood the process literally. That's why he needed a few days to think about it. 

And then he simply gave what is in the heart of every humin being to give when we are truly connected.' 

From; Soul Food

Wise words from wise people






And finally a favourite poem from the movie; 'Don Juan de Marco' with Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando.

'There are those who do not believe

That a single soul

born in heaven

can split into twin spirits and shoot like foreign stars to earth.

Where oceans and continents 

with their magnetic forces

will finally

unite them 

back into one' 

Enjoy your days people, life is supposed to be easy, life is supposed to be fun!

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 20 mars 2012 21:58

Dagmar alias 'Denmark' and Andreas alias Androsh, has left with three candidates and today their Nr 1 favourite passed the vetcheck! So a happy ending for this lovely german couple that has invited us to absolutely everything and driven all the kilometres so we could travel laid back. Thank you so much for these wonderful days D and A, we wish you all the happpiness with your stunning black boy! 

Back to my frisky boys that were v e r y up for action, especially Start was seriously 'ping', as they has had three days off. But first a a massage, shopping and a IKEA adventure. Temperatures has turned colder again and we are waiting eagerly for the rain. The lack of water is getting serious, this year it has not rained here at all. 


Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 16 mars 2012 22:38

I had to get myself together and call the dentist today, after 2 weeks of self-dentation ie flour, rescue remedy, zero-point energy, laser, Ibuprofen, Listerine I had to give up. 18.30 was my hour so to forget all the fear (it is very silly because I have never had a painful moment at the dentist so from where does all this fear come from?) I had to go shopping horsey stuff absolutely necessary things of course. The shop had a fruitful day today. Then I went to ride and dress up the boys in all the new stuff and with terror I saw the clock moving towards THE hour. I chose a female dentist.. After two rounds of anastetics and lots of drilling the nerve was near and it was not so nice. But I endured as a true vikinga, knowing that if she would not be able to drill enough the whole root nerve had had to be killed.. And THAT did just not seem like a good idea. I behaved very well I have to say myself, as there was no swedish empathic dentist telling me how brave I was, and just a few fear-tears out of pure fear. 21.30 I left the dentist, mouth still totally numb. She summed up I needed no less than 7 more drillings, my god.. 

The good new is that my DNA arrived today, its a nutritional supplement I have been recommended and it stands for; Dynamic Nutrition Advantage - Enhanced with Amized Fusion Technology - Harnessing the power of nutrients for life changing benefits. It's a part of my self-help-feel-better program. Let it work. 

Germany has also arrived, tomorrow towards the spanish horizon to all the pretty horses!

Laia's and Novedosa's beautiful dad Revoltoso XXIX 



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